Teachercaster Episode 10 (College)
Recapitulated the highlights of activities and learnings during the pandemic time.
Teachercaster Ms. Marie Aliling recapitulated the highlights of activities and learnings of students during the 1st semester for the past 10 weeks of distance learning.
Videos of recent events were played as Ms. Aliling narrated the highlights of the activities. These include the collaboration of Senior High School and College departments in producing weekly updates for Teachercaster program, lesson preparation of teachers for the upcoming assessments of their students, and summary of teaching techniques for the subjects Social Sciences and Mathematics.
Midway Colleges have proven that distance is not a hindrance in delivering transformative education even with the ongoing battle against the pandemic.
This pandemic has led everyone to give importance to their health. With this, Physical Education teachers and Midway’s multi-awarded coach, Edwin Lobenia worked together to produce instructional videos on how to properly execute home workout exercises in an episode of Teachercaster.
The students of Midway are fortunate enough to be able to experience the use of technology through online learning. Students are not only using Microsoft 365 as a Learning Management System, but they have also been open to opportunities for learning with great ease, for the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) teachers are all equipped and ready to teach in a virtual learning environment. These expert teachers handled the lessons in depth.
Moreover, teachers ensure that students get a balance between their studies and non-academic related activities. Like in the recent acquaintance and TikTok challenge, these activities are proven to be engaging and fun for students.
In summary, Ms. Aliling thanked everyone who has been part of Teachercaster program for all the hard work they shared. She reminded the students to be DRIVEN in all their ways and said “Remember that in everything we do, we must always give our best and strive for excellence. God bless on your assessments.”
The storyline was written by Teachercaster Ms. Marie Aliling who is a program coordinator herself while Mr. Jestony Alvarez directed the episode.