Teachercaster Episode 5 (College Department)
Recapitulation of 5-week Remote Learning ft. 32nd Founding Anniversary
Teachercasters Ms. Jeanine Charmaine Mantile and Ms. Zairene Joy Lucas recapped the highlights of the first 5 weeks of online classes that happened under the institution’s Learning Continuity Plan.
“Our country needs perseverance, discipline, and determination. We ensure that our students develop these qualities.” began Ms. Mantile
As reported by Ms. Lucas, “Midway made sure that its employees are properly equipped with trainings on how to face this better normal.” This pertains to the 9-day faculty training held by the Academic Department.
According to Ms. Mantile, everyone is excited and elated in using an innovative way of teaching.
“With this, we partnered with Audentes Technologies Inc., on the use of Microsoft Teams to deliver quality education while ensuring the fun and excitement in learning.”, says Ms. Lucas.
To give further recap of the events, Ms. Lucas continued saying “Teachers of English encourage the students to use the English language to practice introducing themselves. We also celebrated the National Heroes Day. Every day we can see heroes everywhere. Nurses, doctors, seafarers, are all frontliners and of course, us teachers are included; we salute you all. This month of September, we also celebrated a special occasion that is very close to the institution’s core.”
As a recognition to all the seafarers, Ms. Mantile says, “With that, we would like to give an honorary salute to all the seafarers around the world. “
For the recap on Institute of Technical Skills and Development, Ms. Lucas reported about the instructors’ effort to ensure that all Cruise Ship Hotel and Restaurant (CSHR) students will develop professional competency.
Their report also featured the events during the celebration of Midway’s 32nd founding anniversary. This includes the conduct of an online quiz bee through an application, Kahoot. Furthermore, Ms. Lucas says, “The elimination round became a promotion of learning and fun. The week became an avenue for the students to engage and socialize virtually.”
“We uphold the virtue of every citizen, disciplined, respectful, responsible, and smart. These are just some of the characteristics of our future student leaders. Midway Colleges conducted a virtual voting system where students had a freedom to choose the rightful student representatives and leaders of the SSC.” Ms. Lucas narrates.
In line with the student body election, a testimony by Roland Mari O. Legaspi, Supreme Student Council President was featured saying “Good day everyone! Thank you for supporting us in the election. Even in these trying times we will ensure that your safety, well-being, and education are of utmost importance. Also, let us show the world that we can be driven even in this pandemic. Midway strong!”
In closing, Ms. Lucas summarizes “Divine providence, respect for man and environment, integrity, volunteerism, excellence, and nationalism, driven by our core values, we will continue to give the highest quality of education. The link to your future is here. Be part of the driven family”
In recognition of the efforts and initiatives of Teachercaster committee, the following faculty members were mentioned; Ms. Marie Aliling, Ms. Jeanine Charmaine Mantile, and Ms. Zairene Joy Lucas as coordinators; and Ms. Jestony Alvarez as video editor.