September 2020

Thanksgiving and Awarding Ceremony

32nd Founding Anniversary

Midway Colleges celebrated its 32nd founding anniversary on September 24, 2020 with a theme “Pushing Forward”.  

Despite the changes and challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, Midway Colleges continued to push forward against the limitations and prohibitions it caused.  

The institution remained true to its vision and mission in providing Transformative Education to Filipino youth.  

As part of the celebration, a thanksgiving service was held as a gesture of Midway’s gratefulness to the community and stakeholders, in acknowledgement of the divine providence.  

The service was officiated by Pastor Richard Recto of Victory Church.   

Furthermore, a loyalty awarding ceremony followed through in recognition of the hard work and commitment of its employees who has been with the institution over the years.  

Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Sabino Czar Cloma Manglicmot II, express his gratitude towards all the employees who contributed to the continuity of the institution operations especially during the lockdown. He emphasized the importance of resiliency and excellence of which the driven culture is anchored on. He congratulated all the awardees for the considered milestone of their career in Midway. 

An oathtaking of the elected officers from the different councils also transpired. These councils are Senior High School – Parent Council, Parent – Faculty Council, Midway Student Council and Midway Senior High School Student Assembly.  

Special awards were given to Mr. Edmar Dizon, Data-Privacy Officer and Senior Executive Staff; Dr. Jerome Buenviaje, Consultant from UP Diliman; and Dr. Richard L. Oandasan, Academic Director for their exemplary contributions to the institution.  

The event was held at Midway Athletic Center and was attended by the executive committee, awardees, and staff; it was streamed at Microsoft Teams for other employees to witness and be part of the celebration.

September 2020

Teachercaster Episode 3 (Senior High School Department)

Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime Strand

“Dream, believe, work hard” these are the words of 2/M Juan Carlo Termulo and 3/E Mark Reagan Banate as they began to report updates on Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime strand of SHS in Midway Colleges.

Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime strand specializes in preparation for tertiary education for those who want to succeed in maritime profession.

2/M Termulo explained that courses are aligned to their future career such as Introduction to Maritime Career, Introduction to Marine Transportation and Engineering, and Introduction to Maritime Safety.

3/E Banate mentioned the subject course for Technical Maritime Specialization which includes Navigational 1,2,3; Safety 1 and 2; Engine Watch 1 and 2; and Ships Catering.

Selected students shared their experiences during the first three weeks of the implementation of Flexible Learning Program.

“Some of us students say that online classes are hard because of poor connection but when I entered Midway, I was amazed since it is my first two weeks here, none of us students are left behind because our teachers always find a way to reach or communicate with us and I am always feeling grateful because our teachers are always there for us when we feel that we can’t do it.” testimony from Reynielle Xymon Bayan of 11PBM 1.

“I’ve learned a lot of things when it comes to Maritime. Our teacher discussed in the Navigational Watch 1 about the compass, its parts, functions and how it works. On the other hand, the part of the ship, its function on Safety 1 includes some precautionary tips that we need to keep in mind and the possible emergencies that will happen and how to respond on the said emergencies” says Lea Joy Astelero of 11 TMS.

For Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime and Maritime Specializations, some students also shared their learning.

“For the past 2 weeks, I have learned the use of boiler, its parts, and how important it is on board. I have also learned ship terminologies important when navigating because if we know all of these, we can have safe navigation.” says Ranilyn Joy Quitoras

“I was the previous high academic achiever in the last school year. During my grade 11, I have learned so much regarding the maritime subjects, from the job opportunities of a seafarer and it benefits, types of ships and cargos the handle and maritime conventions. Basically, everything regarding introductory maritime subjects and with this, Midway helped me become equipped that when I come to the tertiary level, I am ready.” says Clyde Benjamin Evangelista of 12 PBM

With the testimonies shared by the students, 2/M says, “It is really evident that these past two weeks have been productive despite the adjustments, learnings can be fun and enjoyable because teachers have carefully planned for each learning experiences.”

Moreover, September is seafarers’ month. As tribute to the seafarers, students gave a snappy salute to all the seafarers across the world.

“Seafaring is not an easy job. The risk and danger are high. Thus, determination and passion are really needed to endure all these hardships. To all the seafarers, we can’t thank you enough for what you have done for your families, the country, and the world.” says 2/M Termulo.

3/E Banate concluded the report saying, “COVID 19 pandemic cannot stop us from helping our students achieve their dreams to become seafarers. Keep on fighting for all your dreams despite the challenges that you are all facing, do not stop learning.”

September 2020

Teachercaster Episode 2 (College Department)

Highlights of English Subject Activities ft. National Heroes Day

Teachercasters Ms. Zairene Joy Lucas and Ms. Ma. Luz Dolores Suratos reported on the new journey and orientation of students towards the better normal. Their report also features activities done by students as implemented under the Learning Continuity Plan.

“It is no secret that we are in a global pandemic; economic recession, job loss, increase unemployment rate, bankruptcy of small and major businesses. Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic, our institution made sure that learning continues.” says Ms. Suratos.

During the 2nd week of classes, students of Purposive Communication have been introduced to the process of communication. They were taught that communication is very crucial in this time of pandemic.

For English Proficiency, the students learned how to introduce themselves properly.

Ms. Lucas reported “Since the students are not able to acquaint face-to-face, the teachers thought of something to help students get to know each other in a fun way. Wherein they can demonstrate the process of communication.”

In line with the celebration of National Heroes’ Day, frontliners such as teachers, doctors, nurses, firefighters and the like are all given recognition. They are all considered the unsung heroes of this generation.

“It’s always seemed impossible until it’s done. We should keep moving forward and never be afraid to go out of our comfort zones. One Midway, Midway strong.” says Ms. Suratos in closing.

August 2020

Gabay Araw – Virtual Orientation via Zoom

The pandemic has brought a lot of changes globally, affecting the course of education. This cause fear and feeling of uncertainty to students on how they will pursue their studies.

To relieve the students of worries caused by the pandemic, the Office of the Student Affairs (OSA) and Guidance Office conducted a virtual orientation to give updates of the changes and help the students adapt to it as the School Year 2020-2021 starts soon.

Gabay Araw was implemented for two weeks via Zoom to ensure the safety of the students.

To ensure effectivity of presentation, the orientation schedule was arranged per year level.

August 12 and 14 – 1st year and 2nd year

August 17 and 18 – 3rd year

August 19 and 21 – 4th year

Each session caters 100 students. Separate schedules were done to effectively handle the number of students per year level by course program.

The program flow focuses on the presentation of services and programs in the context of adapting to the new normal. Modification of the school’s student services and programs is necessary to align with the needs of the students in this time of pandemic.

The topics covered include Health and Safety Protocols, Academic Program, Library Facility, Finance guidelines and procedures, and Student Affairs. Heads and faculty from each department presented the discussions.

An open forum discussion was also opened to answer the questions and concerns of the students.

The last part of the activity includes a raffle draw, in partnership of Globe Telecommunication, these include a modem with 10GB browsing load. Students were given a chance to win in appreciation for their cooperation and attendance.

Through this orientation, students were guided as they prepare for the opening of classes.