Teachercaster Episode 2 (College Department)
Highlights of English Subject Activities ft. National Heroes Day
Teachercasters Ms. Zairene Joy Lucas and Ms. Ma. Luz Dolores Suratos reported on the new journey and orientation of students towards the better normal. Their report also features activities done by students as implemented under the Learning Continuity Plan.
“It is no secret that we are in a global pandemic; economic recession, job loss, increase unemployment rate, bankruptcy of small and major businesses. Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic, our institution made sure that learning continues.” says Ms. Suratos.
During the 2nd week of classes, students of Purposive Communication have been introduced to the process of communication. They were taught that communication is very crucial in this time of pandemic.
For English Proficiency, the students learned how to introduce themselves properly.
Ms. Lucas reported “Since the students are not able to acquaint face-to-face, the teachers thought of something to help students get to know each other in a fun way. Wherein they can demonstrate the process of communication.”
In line with the celebration of National Heroes’ Day, frontliners such as teachers, doctors, nurses, firefighters and the like are all given recognition. They are all considered the unsung heroes of this generation.
“It’s always seemed impossible until it’s done. We should keep moving forward and never be afraid to go out of our comfort zones. One Midway, Midway strong.” says Ms. Suratos in closing.