Midway Vikings remains in the Game

Midway Colleges, Inc (MCI) – The Midway Vikings remains in the game as it competes in the Private School Athletic Association (PRISAA 3) 2023 Regional Games with 22 student-athletes bearing the flag of the institution with pride at Columban College, Inc since May 2.

MCI gears up to take on the challenge and prove themselves as formidable competitors in the sports of volleyball, badminton, and swimming.

The Midway Vikings are composed of these student-athletes together with their coaches:

Agustin, Jerome Jefferson; Barnatia, Jerryme; Centeno, Cedrick Charl Ador; Dela Cruz, Jake Cris; Delos Reyes, Mark Kelvin; Gagarin, Dharyl; Javier, Gian Alfred; Magno, Yvan Dominique; Mahinay, Kenth Ronron; Manalo, William Josef; Matias, Shane Steven; Miranda, Lord Raizen Hydro; Pastor, John Robin; Sorza, Airvin James; and Villafuerte, CKJ Oliver. The team is headed by Coach Jonathan Quidawen with Assistant Coach Christopher Caballero.

Calunod, John Mark; Jallorina, Ryan Angelo; Ruma, Prediemar; and Viernes, Lourence. The team is headed by Coach Richard Antolin with Assistant Coach Joseph Generei Coloma.

Joson, Karl Mike; Mamisac, John Carlo; Mendoza, Joseph; and Quilantic, Darryl. The team is headed by Coach Lyka-May Mercado.

Let’s all support our school and athletes as they strive to bring home the championship.

Research Colloquium 2021

Midway’s first ever Research Colloquium with the theme Architecturing research culture: Prospects and Perspectiveswas spearheaded by the Research Coordinator of Midway Colleges, Inc., Mr. Christian M. Santiago. It was held last April 30, 2021, using zoom and MS Teams as the platform.

The purpose of this colloquium is to promote the culture of Data-driven decisions, planning, strategy creation and evaluation through research amongst students, faculty and employees across all programs and departments.

The colloquium ran from 0800H-1700H. The morning session started with a prayer and followed by singing of the national anthem through the help of the supreme student council.

After, the CEO of Midway Colleges, Inc, Mr. Sabino Czar Cloma Manglicmot II, was introduced by the Masters of Ceremony, Ms. Ria Luz R. Celindro and Mr, Robie Mar A. Dayto, for the welcome remarks. The welcome remarks was then followed by the introduction of the keynote speaker by the Institution’s Academic Director, Dr. Richard L. Oandasan.

Dr. Jerome Buenviaje discussing the CARS model during his keynote address.

The keynote address during the colloquium is about “Constructing Research Habit: Rationale and Fundamentals of Research Process” delivered by the Dean of the College of Education of University of the Philippines, Dr. Jerome T. Buenviaje. During his talk, he gave tips on conducting the research, the steps and the fundamental process of research as well as the importance of conducting researches. He also shared his journey conducting his researches.

The first session, with the theme “Mining the Rudiments: Assay of Quantitative Experimental Research” was delivered by Mr. Christian M. Santiago. During his talk he shared his research entitled “Flipped Mendelian Genetics Class: Effects Differentiation on Student’s Motivated Strategies for Learning and Concept Mastery against Lecture Discussion”.

Mr. Christian M. Santiago during his plenary talk on “Mining the Rudiments: Assay of Quantitative Experimental Research”.

Ms. Princess A. Garcia delivered her talk on the theme “Knitting the framework: Analyzing the Landscape of Qualitative Designs” for the second session. She shared about her research on “Shaping the Duty of a Filipino: An Investigation of the Practice of the Philippine Flag and Heraldic Code in Talavera Senior High School.” 

Dr. Richard L. Oandasan sharing his research entitled “Linguistic Schoolscape: A Pedagogical Tool for Increasing Critical Language Awareness and Positive Language Attitude.”

For the third session, Dr. Richard L. Oandasan shared his ideas on “Forging All Up: The Interplay of Research Designs”, through his research “Linguistic Schoolscape: A Pedagogical Tool for Increasing Critical Language Awareness and Positive Language Attitude.”

The plenary talk was followed by an open forum where the participants had the chance to ask the speakers about the topics they talked about. It was then followed by the awarding of certificates.

Sir Sabino Czar Cloma Manglicmot, the CEO of Midway Colleges, asking the first plenary speaker about the reasons why students are more anxious taking pen and paper test than taking practical tests. 

The afternoon session of the Colloquium is allotted for what we call the Breakout Sessions. Months before the Colloquium, the institution announced a call for paper where researchers from various fields were given the chance to share their researches and its findings to the participants of the colloquium. The first 30 minutes were allotted for orientation of the breakout sessions. 

There were three breakout sessions during the colloquium. We have the session for Educational Research, with Ms. Ria R. Celindro as the moderator, Social and Psychological Research, with Ms. Amy Grace Collado as the moderator, and also Business, Administration and Management Research, with Mr. Prince Ace Cutaran as the moderator.  

In the first breakout session, Educational Research, Ms. Lynjane Tabelisma, presented her research entitled “Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (Tpack) Of Grade VI Mathematics Teachers and Learners’ Mathematics Performance: An Assessment”. Followed by Ms. Khaysielyn Nortez’ presentation on her research entitled “Effectiveness of The Procedure of E- Review in Passing on all the Functions of STCQ for Marine Engineering”. The last presenter for the breakout session is Mr. Jerome A. Abanilla who presented his research entitled “Technological Approaches in Teaching Biology: Module Development and Validation.” 

The second breakout session is on Social and Psychological Research where the first presenter is Mr. Jan Ashley D. Casco who presented his research entitled “Ethnographic Study: The Religious Practices of the Cult Iglesia Kritiana Adarnista”. It was followed by the presentation of Mr. Robie Mar A. Dayto with his research entitled “Pearl Among Fins: The Effects of Classroom-Based Gender Stereotyping on the Perception of MMFI Female Maritime Students on Job Opportunities at Sea. After, students from the Senior High School Department of Midway Colleges presented their research entitled “Quantitative Analysis of Career Interest of Grade 12 Technical Vocational-Livelihood Maritime Specialization and Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime Students in Midway Senior High School Class 2020-2021”. The last presentation in this breakout session is a presentation on the research entitled “Stress Strata of Midway Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime Students during Remote Flexible Learning: Measurement Across Selected Variable”.  

The researches on last breakout session are researches on Business, Administration, and Management. Dr. Jemmuel C. Roque presented his research “Service Standards of Student Affairs and Services (SAS) Among Maritime Higher Institutions (HEI) In   Central Luzon: Basis for Strategic Plan”. It was followed by the presentation of Mr. Kevin Juan of his research entitled “Facets of Absenteeism among College Students: Basis for Developing Attendance Intervention Program”.  

Presentations from the breakout sessions happened simultaneously as well as all the open forums for each breakout session.  

After all the presentations and open forums, awards were awarded to the presenters followed by the closing remarks from Midway’s Research Coordinator and the over-all in charge for the Research Colloquium, Mr. Christian M. Santiago. 

Survey forms and evaluation forms were disseminated after the colloquium. 

All in all, the research colloquium was a success and it delivered its goal of promoting the Research Culture in the institution and also to the other participants.

2021 PRC Board Exam Schedule

3 & 4
Wednesday, Thursday
NCR, Cebu and Davao
August 3, 2021
October 4, 2021