Career Development
One of the core functions of the Office of Student Affairs is to provide services to the students that will support the development of their educational and social being.
A Career Development seminar is usually given to the candidates for graduation as one of the steps to help them prepare for the actual job application and employment. However, due to the unprecedented events brought by the pandemic (COVID-19), strict quarantine guidelines were put in place by the gov. In line with this precaution, a webinar was held in replacement of a physical seminar to cater the needs of the students.
The webinar on Career Development was facilitated through Zoom and was streamed live via Midway Colleges Inc. Facebook page.
Office of the Student Affairs headed the webinar led by OSA Director, Mr. Jemmuel Roque.
24 students of Bachelor of Science in Custom Administration who are all candidate for graduation are the target participants.
The webinar started at around 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
Mr. Roque welcomed the target participants and viewers via Facebook livestreaming. House rules for the webinar was set followed by an opening prayer.
Objectives presented are as follows:
- Provide continuous avenue for students
- Prepare the graduates for their prepared jobs
- Equipped the graduates in preparing for their job application
A welcoming message was given by Mr. Sabino Czar Cloma Manglicmot II, CEO of Midway Colleges Inc.
The following points were mentioned:
- Welcome to the new normal brought by the pandemic
- Prepare the students in the work and challenges ahead
- In preparation for their exit interview
- Everyone is expected to listen and participate actively
The Guidance Coordinator, Mr. Kevin Christian Quanto (?) introduced the speaker.
Richard Lamban Oandasan, Associate Academic Director
(Master of Arts from UP Diliman, currently on PhD studies in UP Diliman)
Mr. Oandasan welcomed the students and furthered that the recent events has brought everyone to an exciting journey. He then began his discussion.
Professional Portfolio
- What are the words or phrases when you hear the word “Portfolio”?
Some students answered resume, requirements, application, job,
Mr. Oandasan encouraged the students to share their point of view and asked why is portfolio relevant.
The following objectives were presented:
- Unpack the meaning of portfolio and its content
- Explain the process and tools used in creating a professional portfolio
- Share important guidelines on creating a portfolio and writing a resume
- Create a digital portfolio
“Unprecedented changes because of the pandemic. Rather than looking at it as something negative but take it as an exciting journey. You will be applying online. You will be interviewed at the confinements of your home but because of technology, you won’t be left out.”
- Professional portfolio speaks towards excellence
- Digital portfolio can be easily accessed by future employers
How to write an effective portfolio?
- You want your employers to be hooked
- Showcase your best qualities
- Include creative works/awards received/
- Bio note
- Career goals
- In creating a portfolio, the employers will not just look for technical competence but also social skills. Volunteers on civic organization, churches, etc. may imply your services to the community.
- If you were to be employed, your leadership skills are also important to be noticed.
- IQ and EQ should be there. The ability to empathize with other people is also important.
- Minimum requirements, some requirements might be asked form you.
Resume and cover letter writing
The first critical step is selling oneself through an application letter
(Sample application letter was also presented)
Parts of a cover letter
- Salutation
- Body of the letter
Prepare for your application letter ahead of time
1st paragraph, intent and source of information
2nd paragraph, the degree/program
“have recently acquired my degree or program”, programs must be spelled out. The employers may not be familiar with your degree and school.
3rd paragraph, the skills acquired, readiness to accept the job
- Recap (parts of a letter)
- Clarity, completeness, conciseness, courtesy
- Write to express and not impress
- Be mindful of the time
- May in replacement of Can
- Resume is a summary
- Avoid pronoun
- Avoid photos, unless required
- Avoid no references
- Personal or family information
- Crumpled resume
Steps in Creating a Portfolio
- Be a tech savvy and be mindful of your content
- Have more than one copy
- You can create your own web page.
- You may also use MS publisher, MS word, MS PowerPoint
Mr. Oandasan also cited the references used in his presentation. He concluded the discussion by saying “The real battle lies after the graduation.”
Open Forum
Students were encouraged to ask questions and raise their clarifications.
Some questions from the participants and viewers include “What is the difference between a curriculum vitae and a resume?”, “Paano yung walang gadgets panggawa ng portfolio?”
Questions and concerns were addressed by Mr. Oandasan.
The graduating class will prepare their own digital portfolio, resume, and cover letter in MS and PDF format. These requirements will be given before they undergo an exit interview.